The Healthcare Logistics Think Tank / Do Tank has set ambitious goals for 2025.
HLTT/DT will continue to bring the healthcare system C-suite together with medical, logistics technology and service/consulting leaders to exchange ideas, share best practices, develop and execute proofs of concepts, and ultimately raise the bar for the healthcare ecosystem.
We’re raising the bar for the healthcare ecosystem.
“The caliber of the audience says a lot about the content to date.”
Jeff Terry, CEO of GE Command Centers
Grant Providers
Healthcare Systems
Med Tech Players
Health Plans
Download the Food is Medicine White Paper published by The Krinsky Company.
Food is Medicine is becoming a frontline standard of care. The HLTT/DT is here to help. Understand the movement, remove obstacles to implementation, and launch your health system into the future with the articles below.
Part One - The Current State of Food is Medicine
Part Two - Food is Medicine Growth Opportunities & Challenges
Previous White Papers